
The Online CJCU 2022 Summer Camp X GlobEEs


This August the Office of Global Engagement (OGE) of Chang Jung Christian University (CJCU) organized the four-day 2022 CJCU Global Cultural Summer Camp for 96 campers from 28 sister universities in 12 countries including Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, Malaysia, India, and Bangladesh. There were in total of 19 CJCU students and teaching assistants. Diverse courses were offered online at the camp about Taiwanese cultures and Taiwanese students were able to interact with those from sister universities. Campers made presentations on “Stereotypes of Different Countries” in the end to improve mutual understanding and friendship with an interesting and interactive way. Lee Min-Yu, Dean of OGE said in the closing ceremony, the Camp went online again this year due to the pandemic and in the future, physical camps are expected to be organized to continue maintain closer interaction with sister universities and connect CJCU students to the world in the warm and friendly atmosphere.

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